Innovative Options to Protect Rice Exports

Rice is a global food staple, and it can take up to 180 days to grow, depending on agricultural conditions. Given this information, we can all agree on the importance of protecting rice when exporting it across the world. You are not only protecting the rice itself but also preserving the work and effort of those committed to the growing of rice, ultimately reducing the carbon footprint and preserving the life cycle.

When exporting rice, it can be packaged in various ways such as bulk bags, jute sacks, paper bags, or ready for retail type packaging. Regardless of the packaging, when placed inside a container, you must keep the environment clean and dry to prevent moisture damage to the rice.

At Eurolog Packing Group Worldwide, we have developed various products that will effectively mitigate the risk of various types of damage to rice exports, such as mold, infestation, or discoloration. We are protecting goods against climate changes that naturally lead to moisture issues within a container.

Depending on the length of the container’s journey or the specific area of the world the rice may ship, you can use various products combined or individually. For example, the Kit Bond has dual benefits for exports, such as preventing contamination from walls while absorbing moisture that may form on the walls and floor; therefore, it removes the risk of moisture damage to the rice. The Hybag Desiccant series will continuously remove humidity from the container itself as it travels through the many climates it will encounter. Our revolutionary Hyblanket will absorb moisture from the ceiling of the container or absorb container rain, as many refer to it.

There is a very specific drying process for rice before it is packaged, so the goal is to keep the integrity of the rice from farm to table. At Eurolog Packing Group Worldwide, we are here for the protection of your goods no matter the journey.

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