Sandra Malouf

Sandra Malouf is the President of Eurolog Packing Group and has spent her career focused on Industrial Packaging. With a proven track record of helping businesses avoid supply chain disruptions, Sandra's visionary leadership elevates the industry. She's committed to developing sustainable practices and continues to shape the future of industrial packaging by listening to the customer and offering unique solutions applicable to various industries across the world. The company’s main focus is temperature stabilization and moisture damage prevention in exports affected by extreme variations in global temperatures.

Author's Post

Let’s say you’re in the business of flying goods from one place to another. The cargo manifest includes some meat
Eliminating moisture is one of the biggest cargo shipping challenges. Enclosed metal shipping containers aren’t completely airtight, and changing temperatures
Each year, countless tons of cargo are stored and transported across the globe in shipping containers. In fact, cargo ships
Every day, trillions of dollars’ worth of goods flow in and out of our country’s borders. According to the World